Three Things......
THAT SCARE ME: not knowing the future, sickness for my kids or my husband, gaining a lot of weight
I LOVE: these children of mine, my husband, my family
I HATE: being tired, feeling out of control, idiots
I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: updating my blog, waiting for Cha/Cha queries, relaxing while K naps
I CAN DO: calm my fretting children, walk or run good distances, remember everything anyone has ever said to me
I CAN'T DO: stop eating ice cream, think before I speak, sleep easily
THAT ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: ice cream, burgers, fries
SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: Wonderama, Magic Garden, (these are dating me!), Happy Days
it's good to focus on the positive.
i can't stop eating ice cream either. and how amazing to calm fretting kids! wish i was better
Good luck! None of mine would sleep either; I thought I was going to lose my mind =(! And none of the "helpful" suggestions worked for them. Hang in there! You're doing great! Your children are lucky to have you for their mother!
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